2 thoughts on “marinship

  1. When I look at these great images I want to run, not walk, to the office to get a camera and get out the door to shoot shoot shoot. Not to emulate the images, although I know I’d now have the fun of seeing another’s path to explore in my own way. I feel so alive taking pictures, both at my own speed and in my commercial photography. I think you do, too.
    Found your site a couple of months ago I know not how, but kept your notes about typography because I am a typography enthusiast/watcher and I am redesigning site to take advantage of WP platform and a template. I totally get the search for the “me” in type choice.

    • Thanks, Jonathan. It took me about three weeks to select the typefaces for my site. It’s not easy or straightforward, but if you’re like me, it’s definitely a fun exploration.

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